Bible books

As a Christian it is a privilege to have access to the thoughts of God through the written Word, the Bible. Below are some resources for the Christian disciple – on studying God’s Word, how to share our faith (apologetics) and online courses which can help us grow and make progress in our faith. In our day of fake news and deceptive philosophes we need to be discerning in what we take in.

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Bible Study Resources

The ESV (English Standard Version) study Bible gives indepth understanding of the Bible through scholarly commentary of passages. It also includes over 50 theological articles, maps, charts and illustrations. It provides comprehensive book introductions and has cross-references and a concordance. It maintains a conservative , evangelical perspective aiming to provide faithful interpretation of the Scripture based on historical-grammatical methods. Wayne Grudem is the editor.

The NIV Zondervan Study Bible (2015). Edited by Don Carson, this comprehensive study Bible includes extensive study notes and has a particular emphasis on biblical theology helping the reader to understand the overarching story of Scripture and how each part of the Bible fits into God’s redemptive plan. The 28 theological articles at the end of the Bible are worth the price of the book covering topics such as the kingdom of God, covenant, and the temple. These articles provide a deep dive into the themes that unify the Old and New Testaments. It also has book introductions and outlines as well as maps, charts and illustrations. It uses the New Internation Version of the Bible.

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (2014, 4th edition). Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart put together a highly-regarded guide to interpreting the Bible accurately and responsibly. They aim to equip readers with tools to understand the Bible’s literary genres and historical contexts. This is a good guide written at the level of the layperson.

Online Resources

The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Resources include: articles, podcasts, online courses, books, talks from past conferences, essays , Themelios and events from a perspective centered around Jesus Christ and the Bible especially the gospel. Check out some of the free online courses which they have on their website – awesome resources. For example, the course on Calvin’s Institutes or The Doctrine of End Times course among many, many others. Also, check out the Carson Center for Theological Study and the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.

Ligonier Ministries – A Teaching Fellowship  Since its founding in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier has been a fellowship of teachers dedicated to making the deep truths of the Christian faith accessible to growing believers. For more than fifty years, God has raised up many gifted pastors and theologians to apply the teachings of the Bible and Reformed theology to generations of Ligonier students. Check out their list of “Top 5 Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible” – superb!


Stand to Reason with Grek Koukl. Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square. Also, check out Greg’s book “Tactics” which comes with a study guide as well.

Wesley Huff – Wesley is currently the Central Canada Director for Apologetics Canada and has been a guest on a variety of public platforms, from The Joe Rogan Experience, the Patrick Bet David Podcast, and the Julian Dorey Podcast to Apologia Radio and Blurry Creatures Podcast. He has participated in numerous public dialogues, debates, and interfaith events on issues of belief and religion across North America. He holds a BA in sociology from York University, a Masters of Theological Studies from Tyndale University, and is currently doing a PhD in New Testament at the University of Toronto’s Wycliffe College. Make sure you check out Wes’ many Infographics – they are superb!


Basic Christianity
by John Stott

‘A must-read for those who are seeking God, wishing to refresh their own faith, or hoping to lead others into the loving arms of Jesus Christ.’ William van der Hart

Who was Jesus? Why was he crucified? Did he really rise from the dead? Is it plausible that he was truly divine?

Whether you are seeking to understand the Christian faith for the first time, or looking to be reminded of the basics, John Stott offers a clear and full explanation of the Gospel.

With over 2.5 million copies sold, this classic introduction is as clear and relevant on the centenary of Stott’s birth as when it was first published in 1958. Purchase

The New Testament Documents: Are the Documents Reliable?
by F F Bruce

Are the New Testament documents reliable? Can we have confidence in their record of the life and teaching of Jesus and his followers? Such questions are fundamental for anyone approaching the New Testament. F F Bruce, formerly Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester, was well qualified to answer them. This classic treatment has been revised by the author many times and reprinted regularly for more than half a century.